Essence 2022-23: Explore the beauty of RBMHS
Rukmani Birla
Modern High School



General Information

Kindly read the following instructions carefully before initiating the admission process: -

  1. The Prospectus will be available at the school office (on payment of Rs 500/-) for all classes from
    Nursery to Class 9 & 11 between 10:00 am to 12:00 noon.
  2. Duly filled Registration form with the registration fee of Rs 1000/- can be submitted for Registration
    between 10:00 am to 12:00 noon within a week of purchasing the Registration form in the school
    office at Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Shanti Nagar, Gopalpura By Pass, Jaipur-18.
  3. Last date of Registration form submission – 24th December 2021.
  4. ONLY one Registration form per candidate is permissible.
  5. ONLY Registered candidates will be considered for admission.
  6. Admission will be given subject to availability of seats in all classes.
  7. There is no entrance test till class VII. Admission will be granted on the basis of the criteria laid down
    by the School Management.
  8. The decision of the RBMHS Management in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance, or rejection
    of the applications and all other matters related to the admission process will be final and binding on
    the candidates. No enquiry, or correspondence will be entertained in this connection.
  9. Assessment for admission will be done based on information provided by the parent in the
    registration form and an informal interaction with the child &the parents. [For withdrawal from the
    school (at any point of time) withdrawal rules as formulated by school Management shall be
  10. List of selected candidates will be displayed on the school notice board and on the school website
    www. by 19th January 2022.
  11. Read both the Annexures carefully before filling in the Registration form.
  12. For any further clarification/ query regarding admission 2022, you may write to

The payment made for Registration & Prospectus is NON REFUNDABLE. No claim will be entertained whatsoever.



➢ Age Criteria

CLASS NURSERY 3 – 4 years of age as on 1st April 2022 .
CLASS K.G. 4 – 5 years of age as on 1st April 2022 .
CLASS PREP 5 – 6 years of age as on 1st April 2022 .
CLASS 1 6 – 7 years of age as on 1st April 2022 .
CLASS 2 7 – 8 years of age as on 1st April 2022 .


➢ List of Documents to be submitted for admission to be considered:

• At the time of Registration: Copy of Birth Certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation of Jaipur • At the time of Admission:
  1. The self-attested copies of the following documents to be attached:
    • Birth certificate issued by the Municipal Corporation of Jaipur
    • Residence proof issued by Govt. authority
    • Academic qualification of both parents (Copy of the Certificate of last qualifying exam is mandatory)
    • Aadhar Card of the student and parent
  2. Child with special needs (attach certificate mentioning the condition).
  3. Proof of sibling (if applicable)
  4. Latest passport size coloured photograph.
  5. Recent family photograph with the child sitting in the centre (Post Card Size 3.5 x 5 inch)
  6. Medical fitness certificate of the child by a certified doctor. (Format available on school website)
RTE: एंट्री कक्षा के सम्बन्ध में निदेशक, माध्यममक मशक्षा राजस्थाि, बीकािेर के आदेश क्रमांकः मशविरा/माध्य/पीएसपी/आरटीई/बै.सू.का./60321/2019-20 ददिांक 18.05.2020 के बबन्दूसंख्या 10 के तहत्काययिाही करिी अनििाययहोगी। जजसके अिुसार राज्य मेंजस्थत प्रत्येक गैर-सरकारी विद्यालय द्िारा के िल कक्षा-1 मेंआरटीई मेंप्रिेश लेिा अनििायय होगा तथा पूियप्राथममक कक्षाओं (PP3/PP4/PP5) मेंआरटीई मेंप्रिेश िहीं लेसकें गे। कक्षा-1 की कुल प्रिेश संख्या का 25 प्रनतशत आरटीई प्रिेश देिा अनििाययहोगा l

Admission process for classes VIII and above (ONLY as Per Vacancy)

No Direct Admission in class X & XII

  1. Registration forms may be collected from the school office between 10:00 am to 12:00 noon from Monday to Friday (on payment of Rs 500)
  2. The candidates will have to appear for an Objective Test of 1/2 hours duration which will cover the following subjects: English, Mathematics, General Aptitude Science (50 marks)
  3. On the same day of the test, the candidates will be interviewed. The interview will be of 30 marks
  4. All candidates have to provide proof of
    • Academic performance and
    • Co-Curricular activities participated (Certificates etc) in previous school
  5. The cumulative marks of the written test (50 marks), interview (30 marks) and the curricular & cocurricular performance (30 marks) in the previous school will be considered for admission
  6. Syllabus for test interview will be from the previous class of the candidate.
  7. The candidate will be informed by phone call about the date of Written Test and interaction with the Admission panel (in case of vacancy).

Once the application has been submitted, there will be no addition or alterations to the information provided.


Online Registration Form

Thank you for considering Rukmani Birla Modern High School and we welcome you to our online application
service. We hope this service will make the application process a convenient and efficient one.


  • Use your laptop/desktop and avoid using the phone to fill in the form.
  • This application form works best on Chrome/Internet Explorer.
  • If you are applying for more than one child, please fill separate form for each child.
  • Documents required to be uploaded should be below 500 KB in size
    • ➢ Passport sized photograph (.jpg) (3.5 X 5 inch)
    • ➢ Birth certificate
    • ➢ Scanned copy
  • Registration includes a payment of INR 1500 to be made online. Payment options come up after the
    form is submitted. This is non-refundable.
  • Payment of registration fee does not guarantee admission. Please read more details about
    Admission in General Information.
  • Offers for places will be made according to the admission criteria and will be subject to vacancies.
    Please note that in case of special needs applicants, write directly to


  • Incorrect information, if any, will result in the cancellation of the admission, even after
    commencement of the session.
  • All NAMES (candidate/ father/ mother) should be filled in expanded format, PLEASE DO NOT
  • The data shall be similar in all documents like Birth Certificate, Aadhaar, Election Card, Passport,
    Electricity/ BSNL/ Water Bill, Domicile certificate, etc.
  • Once the form is submitted, no additional documents can be uploaded. In such a case fresh
    registration shall be made by getting the earlier registration cancelled/ deleted by sending mail
  • Incomplete forms or forms without the supporting documents/ illegible documents will be
    rejected/ not considered for admission. No further communication will be entertained.

Admission Schedule 2022 -23 for Pre School & Class 1

1. Commencement of Online Registration for admission 24th November 2021
2. Commencement of Admission process 15th December 2021
3. Last date for availability and submission of filled Registration form (online) 24th December 2021
4. Display of list of all registered applicants 29th December 2021
5. Display of list of all selected applicants 19th January 2022
6. Resolution of queries of parents, if any 22nd January 2022

Rukmani Birla Modern High School, Jaipur

Scheme of Studies for Class XI (2022-23)

Dear Parent
Please put a tick against the choice of subjects for class XI. The student can opt for any one of the following streams from
the list given below.

English Core Compulsory
Physics Compulsory
Chemistry Compulsory
Mathematics Compulsory
Computer Science/
Informatics Practices
(Any one)
Commercial Art
Physical Education
English Core Compulsory
Physics Compulsory
Chemistry Compulsory
Biology Compulsory
Computer Science/
Informatics Practices
(Any one)
Commercial Art
Physical Education
English Compulsory
History Compulsory
Political Science Compulsory
Geography / Sociology
Commercial Art/ Computer Science/ Information Practices/ Psychology/ Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics/ Economics ( Any one )
English Core Compulsory
Accountancy Compulsory
Business Studies Compulsory
Economics Compulsory
Computer Science/ Informatics Practices (Any one)
(Any one)
Commercial Art
Mathematics/ Applied Mathematics

Name of Student:.........................................

Class……………. Sec..................

Signature of Parent

Signature of Student
